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Apple, China Mobile Strike a Deal

Dec 23, 2013
Apple and China Mobile, the world's largest cell phone carrier, have stuck a deal that will allow the tech giant to sell iPhones to some 760 million people.

Planned obsolescence: Yes, they do want you to buy a new phone every year

Oct 30, 2013
Notice how your iPhone 4 started to become unreliable just as the iPhone 5S came out? You're not the only one.

In wearable tech, products designed for the wrist could have the upper hand

Oct 29, 2013
As smart phones gained popularity, people quit looking at their wrists to tell the time. But now, Samsung and Google could be about to spar over that piece of real estate.
The Pebble (pictured above), a so-called smartwatch, could have some company soon - Samsung is predicted to announce their version of the smartwatch on Wednesday.
via getpebble.com

Higher iPhone sales don't equal higher profits for Apple

Oct 29, 2013
A look at Apple's quarterly earnings.

Will Samsung always be Pepsi to Apple's Coke?

Oct 25, 2013
No matter how many handsets Samsung sells, Apple may always dominate the conversation.

Don't want to wait in line for the new iPhone? There's an app for that.

Sep 20, 2013
With the launch of the iPhone 5s on Friday, a look at placeholder services that offer to stand in line for you in exchange for a fee.

Apple's operating system aims to shift the way we interact with our devices

Sep 18, 2013
No major changes in functionality, but the look and feel of the phone will bring a dramatic change to how we interact with electronics.

For public good, not for profit.

The new iPhone -- more secure or more colors?

Sep 10, 2013
Apple released two new iPhones at different price points today.

Apple announces new hardware at Tuesday's live event

Sep 10, 2013
Reports say the company could unveil fingerprint technology.

Will an inexpensive iPhone sell in China?

Sep 9, 2013
Apple has scheduled a Tuesday product launch for the U.S., the EU, Japan and China. Will the Chinese get excited about a cheaper iPhone?