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Apple launches iPhone trade-in program to shore up sales growth

Sep 9, 2013
Apple wants owners to sell their old iPhones back to the company for a discount on a new phone.

Apple's 'plastic iPhone' goes after Samsung customers

Sep 2, 2013
Apple is about to unveil a music service and two new phones - including a cheaper model - as it fights for market share against Samsung phones like the Galaxy.

A new, cheap iPhone from Apple?

Aug 13, 2013
Apple is expected to roll out new iPhones next month, and rumor has it a cheap one is on the way.

The smartphone killed the camera. Is the GPS unit next?

Jul 31, 2013
Garmin and other GPS companies are struggling to sell consumer GPS units in an iPhone world.

Apple keeps its shine

Jul 24, 2013
Investors are happy with Apple's latest business performance, but the big question is what happens when the company runs out of buyers for its high-end phones and tablets?

What's the next leap forward for Apple?

Jul 23, 2013
Apple faces a business quandary: amaze the markets all over again, or compete on small improvements.

Financial Feud: Buy iPhone outright vs. Make monthly payments

Jun 29, 2013
Have your kids ever asked you for something you said they'd have to earn instead? For one listener and her teenage son, it was an iPhone. Hear what our experts have to say about their financial feud.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Jay-Z and Samsung: Not a businessman, a business, man

Jun 18, 2013
What Jay-Z's deal with Samsung says about the future of music distribution.

The iPhone gets an office, a Microsoft Office

Jun 14, 2013
Microsoft is finally delivering a mobile version of it's Office software to the iPhone today. So what took them so long?

iPhone 4 imports banned in patent case

Jun 5, 2013
The U.S. International Trade Commission has banned the import of some of Apple's older devices -- the iPhone 4 and iPad 2 3G. Some experts argue courts are unlikely to uphold the ban.