That Duqu that you do

Nov 14, 2011
Duqu, the recently discovered virus with links to Stuxnet, has now shown up in Iran...

Iran says it's been hit with another computer virus

Apr 25, 2011
After Stuxnet took its nuclear facilities last year, Iran says it's dealing with another computer virus. This one they're calling Stars. Officials...

State Department to invest $30 million in internet freedom

Jan 11, 2011
On our show this morning we talked about the Justice Department trying to take down Wikileaks. But at the same time, the State Department is making...

New research on Stuxnet shows it was likely meant to disrupt nuclear facility

Nov 16, 2010
In an updated version of its analysis of the Stuxnet worm that caused major problems for Iran's nuclear plant earlier this year, Symantec finds...


Oct 15, 2010
It's the first time in more than three-and-a-half decades that Iran will lead the oil cartel. What does it mean for the rest of the world, and for...

MID-DAY UPDATE: "No to Austerity" -- chants and strikes across Europe

Sep 29, 2010
The Mid-Day Update is a five-day-a-week podcast from the Marketplace Morning Report co-hosted by Bill Radke and Steve Chiotakis that wraps up the...