Iran deal may be imperiled

Mar 16, 2018
President Donald Trump’s choice to replace Rex Tillerson as secretary of state could spell trouble for the nuclear deal with Iran. Trump’s nominee, Mike Pompeo, shares the president’s disdain for the agreement. The international commission implementing the Iran deal will try to hammer out a compromise at a meeting in Vienna today.   Click the […]

Why the protests in Iran are happening

Jan 2, 2018
Protests in Iran have left more than 20 people dead since they started last week. These are the country’s largest demonstrations since 2009, when millions protested the results of a presidential election. This current wave of protests was sparked by something different, however: economic inequality. Marketplace host Lizzie O’Leary spoke with Bahman Kalbasi of the […]

On the streets of Tehran, Iranians feel protesters’ pain

Jan 2, 2018
Many residents said the country's soaring unemployment and rising prices had driven people to the point of desperation.
An Iranian woman raises her fist amid the smoke of tear gas at the University of Tehran during a protest in the capital on Dec. 30. Students protested in the third day of demonstrations sparked by anger over Iran's economic problems.
STR/AFP/Getty Images

Trump won't certify Iran deal

Oct 13, 2017
President Donald Trump announced today he won’t certify Iran’s compliance with the 2015 nuclear agreement. The decision had been flagged in advance by administration officials. The next move is up to Congress. It has 60 days to decide whether or not to reimpose sanctions on Iran that were lifted by the 2015 deal. Any decision […]

How Iran's election could affect an LA tech entrepreneur

May 5, 2017
The founder of "the Persian equivalent of Reddit" talks to us about doing business with Iran from afar.
President of Iran Hassan Rouhani addresses the United Nations General Assembly at UN headquarters on Sept. 22, 2016 in New York City.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Boeing starts a deal in Iran, a nation hungry for new planes

Apr 4, 2017
Boeing will sell 30 new jets to Iran Aseman Airlines, its second recent deal in that nation. It’s also got plans to sell 80 planes to Iran Air. The Obama administration’s nuclear deal with Iran removed some U.S. economic sanctions in exchange for Iran agreeing to curb its development of nuclear technology. New planes were […]

Boeing to sell up to 60 planes to Iran

Apr 4, 2017
The Trump administration still has to approve the deal.
Boeing said its deal to sell 737 MAX airliners to Iran is worth $6 billion and will create 18,000 jobs.
Stephen Brashear/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

How Iranian-American businesses are handling the travel ban

Jan 31, 2017
The business challenges that Iranians living in the U.S. might face.
Silvia Sadjadi who migrated from Iran, waits for a family member to arrive beside a arabic sign, after the immigration ban imposed by U.S. President Donald Trump at the Los Angeles International Airport, California on January 30, 2017. Trump's executive order suspended the arrival of all refugees for at least 120 days, Syrian refugees indefinitely, and bars citizens from Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen for 90 days. 

Trump's travel ban draws Tehran’s ire and adds tension to Boeing deal

Jan 30, 2017
The multibillion-dollar deal teeters on the back of Obama’s Iran nuclear agreement.

Fear of visa ban puts Minnesota's Somali community on edge

Jan 25, 2017
President Donald Trump is expected soon to order a ban on granting visas to citizens of several Muslim-majority countries.  The nations expected to be listed are Syria, Iraq, Iran, Libya, Yemen, Sudan and Somalia. Minnesota is home to the nation’s largest concentration of Somalis, and reports of a pending ban are making people tense.