'The Troubles' still loom over Northern Ireland

Apr 25, 2012
Foreign companies have recently invested in Northern Ireland, but its economy needs more help.

The Titanic: Now a source of pride for Belfast

Apr 10, 2012
After decades of wariness about having built the ship that came to a tragic end, Belfast is now trying to cash in on the Titanic connection.

Belfast makes the most of its Titanic connection

Apr 9, 2012
Hungry for business, Belfast in Northern Ireland is trying to cash in on its role as the city where the ill-fated ship was built.

With unemployment at 14 percent, the Irish look for work abroad

Mar 19, 2012
More than a year after Ireland received a bailout, unemployment in the country has risen to more than 14 percent, and nearly 1,500 people leave the Emerald Isle every week to look for work.

Your tax limericks

Mar 16, 2012
Readers from around the U.S. sent us their opinions of taxation in limerick form.
Limericks about taxes...if that's not an Irish-American combo, what is?
Michael Loccisano/Getty Images

No riots, but Ireland feels the pain of austerity

Mar 15, 2012
Ireland is tackling its debt crisis with a harsh program of austerity measures. The Irish are not rioting, as the Greeks did, but they are hurting.

Parish priest in Ireland reflects on country's bailout

Mar 6, 2012
After 15 years of the "Celtic Tiger," Ireland has faced rough financial times in recent years. But can Greece and other European countries learn a thing or two from its experience?

For public good, not for profit.

Irish citizens boycott new homeowners tax

Feb 8, 2012
Packed, town hall-style meetings have sprung up all across Ireland over the past several weeks.

What's the difference: Secured vs. unsecured bonds

Jan 26, 2012
Learn the difference between secured and unsecured debt -- a lesson that Irish taxpayers could use as they face the prospect of footing the bill for the bailout of state-owned Anglo Irish Bank.
Learn the difference between secured and unsecured debt -- a lesson that Irish taxpayers could use as they face the prospect of footing the bill for the bailout of state-owned Anglo Irish Bank.
Angela Kim/Marketplace