Austin Powers and Dr. Evil can teach us to adjust for inflation

Jun 11, 2024
Don’t be like Dr. Evil, who didn’t check the CPI before making ransom demands.
"One meeellion dollars!"
Still from "Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery"

Inflation is "not yet where it needs to be," Treasury Secretary Yellen says

May 9, 2024
Janet Yellen addresses the state of the U.S. economy and underscores the country's rivalry and collaboration with China in an interview.
"I think it's important for Americans to understand how critical democracy is to economic performance," Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says. Above, Yellen testifies at a House Ways and Means committee hearing on April 30.
Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images

Yellen's in China to deliver a message: Stop making so much stuff!

Apr 5, 2024
The booming U.S. economy is giving her leverage on trade as Western economies try to prevent a wave of cheap Chinese goods hitting the market.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen speaks during a meeting with Chinese Vice Premier He Lifeng on Friday. Yellen is on a five-day visit for trade talks amid tensions between the U.S. and China.
Ken Ishii - Pool/Getty Images

Yellen: U.S. intends to be "transparent about the actions that we've taken" when it comes to China

"Especially with COVID ... we've grown apart and misunderstandings have developed," Yellen says. "It's necessary to meet to discuss our differences openly."
"We fully expect to have more frequent communications at many different levels and have opportunities to explore concerns," Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen says of China. 
Pedro Pardo/AFP via Getty Images

In Beijing, Yellen aims to get U.S.-China relations back on an even keel

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen intends to steady U.S.-China relations while looking out for American companies.
Yellen is looking to steady the U.S.'s economic relationship with China while keeping American business interests front of mind.
Nancy Farghalli/Marketplace

When Yellen gets to China, just sitting down and talking will indicate progress

Jul 3, 2023
But there's no shortage of issues to discuss between the world's two largest economies.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen will meet with Chinese officials this week.
Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Yellen's trip to China may start with finding economic common ground

Jun 27, 2023
In March, the Treasury secretary told Marketplace that the U.S. and China need to put a "floor" under their relationship.
U.S. Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen plans to visit Beijing in July.
Lewis Joly/Pool/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Debt ceiling deadline is extended to June 5, later than previously estimated, Yellen says

May 26, 2023
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said Friday the projected debt ceiling deadline is extended to June 5, four days later than previously estimated.
Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen Yellen said in letter to Congress that inaction on raising the U.S. debt limit would “cause severe hardship.”
Alex Wong/Getty Images

When will the U.S. run out of money? It’s tough to say.

May 25, 2023
Predicting the exact timing of a government default is difficult, given the amount of the variability in government spending and revenue.
Even Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen admitted it’s hard to be exactly sure when a default could happen.
Alex Wong/Getty Images

What happens to benefit checks if there's no deal on the debt ceiling?

May 23, 2023
Supplemental Security Income payments and veterans 'payments could be among the first checks to be delayed.
Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy is scheduled to meet with President Joe Biden to continue debit limit negotiations. Experts agree that a default would cause a massive pause on regular government payments to individuals in need.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images