Next Fed chair could be Janet Yellen. So what's she like?

Sep 25, 2013
The current vice chairwoman of the Fed could become what is arguably the most powerful financial policy job in the world.

Why isn't Yellen a shoo-in?

Sep 17, 2013
She’s had a distinguished career at the Fed and earned the respect of Nobel Prize winners. So why hasn't she been at the top of the White House's list all along?

Larry Summers withdraws name from Fed chair job, international markets react

Sep 16, 2013
Global stocks are near five year highs and bond yields across Europe and Asia have fallen.

This summer's best drama: The fight over who will be Fed chair

Jul 31, 2013
The political battle over who will succeed Ben Bernanke is heating up -- and it could be the most important economic policy decision made this year.

Interested in running the Fed? Any one?

Jun 28, 2013
Now that President Obama has suggested publicly that Ben Bernanke might not stay on at the Federal Reserve past January, the quest is on for replacements.

Who will take reins of the Fed after Bernanke?

Jun 19, 2013
Vice-chair Janet Yellen is the front runner, but there are plenty of very good choices.

Janet Yellen: Obama's pick for Fed chief

Jun 18, 2013
The pragmatic, down-to-earth vice chair of the Federal Reserve Board is said to be replacing Chairman Ben Bernanke.

For public good, not for profit.