What's news worth to consumers?

Aug 9, 2013
A look at how individuals decide to pay for information.

Jeff Bezos' prime target: Prestige?

Aug 6, 2013
What does Jeff Bezos get out of his purchase of the Washington Post for $250 million? (Besides a struggling media business, of course).

What is Jeff Bezos thinking buying WaPo?

Aug 6, 2013
The CEO of Amazon just bought The Washington Post for $250 million -- chump change to a guy worth $25 billion.

Amazon CEO buys Washington Post

Aug 6, 2013
Why would an internet mogul buy a fading journalistic institution?

Customers like Jeff Bezos also bought ...

Aug 6, 2013
Last year, Amazon founder Jeff Bezos spent at least $42 million on a 200-foot clock being built in Texas.

For public good, not for profit.

Jeff Bezos' plan for world domination: Lose money

Jul 26, 2013
Most businesses get hammered by the markets when they fail to meet profit expectations; not Amazon.

Does Amazon favor customers at the expense of shareholders?

Apr 12, 2013
Some Amazon critics say the company’s razor-thin quarterly profits -- if there are any at all -- are evidence that CEO Jeff Bezos is running the company like a “charity” for the benefit of customers at the expense of shareholders.

Amazon’s Bezos donates $2.5 million to support same-sex marriage

Jul 27, 2012
Why support for gay rights is also a shrewd tactical move in the tech community.