Which is better for business: Texas or California?

Feb 11, 2013
Texas Governor Rick Perry visits California to attract companies away from the Golden State with promises of low taxes and fewer regulations.

Governor Jerry Brown on balancing California's budget

Jan 16, 2013
The governor of California discusses state budgets and California's fiscal prospects heading into 2013.

California's budget goes from red to black

Jan 11, 2013
California governor Jerry Brown has pulled an impressive disappearing act. After years of being severely in the red, Brown says the state's huge budget deficit is now gone.

California Gov. Jerry Brown advocates for high-speed rail

Jul 27, 2012
The governor of the cash-strapped state recently signed a $8 million transportation bill. Watchers say it'll be a way for him to leave a lasting legacy.

What went wrong with California's budget

Jun 11, 2012
With California scheduled to vote on a budget this week, the question is: How did the state’s finances get so bad, so quickly? Do other states have to fear the same thing?

California Gov. Brown talks taxes, cuts and economic fairness

May 24, 2012
Like other states across the U.S., California's grappling with a giant budget hole. Gov. Jerry Brown talks about the role of government and the tension between taxing the rich and cutting programs for the poor.

Gov. Jerry Brown: We're going to cut and hopefully tax

May 24, 2012
California Gov. Jerry Brown talks about his plan to balance the state's budget. Currently, California is facing a deficit of close to $16 billion.

For public good, not for profit.

California faces more budget cuts

Nov 17, 2011
The state of California is receiving much less in revenue this year than it projected.