Continuing claims for jobless benefits reach highest point since 2021

Jun 27, 2024
The uptick seems to reinforce a number of recent signals showing moderation in the labor market.
Rising continuing unemployment claims mesh with other recent data. Job openings have been declining, for instance, and so have quits.
Getty Images

Fading job prospects discourage younger Chinese workers

May 17, 2023
China's job market remains competitive as the economy recovers from zero-COVID. But some young people have lost their eagerness to compete.
Students at a job fair in Beijing last year. Unemployment among graduates has remained stubbornly high even though China has dismantled its zero-COVID policy.
Jade Gao/AFP via Getty Images

More than 20 million jobs vanished in April, new ADP report says

May 6, 2020
ADP says its payroll data for April shows the worst job loss numbers ever.
The leisure and hospitality sector, including restaurants and hotels, was down by 8.6 million people.
Olivier Douliery/AFP via Getty Images

Weekly unemployment claims start to give a snapshot of COVID-19 layoffs

Mar 19, 2020
Many companies are laying off workers. Weekly jobless claims will tell us how many people are now filing for state unemployment benefits.
For the week of March 14, there were 281,000 new claims, the highest level for initial claims since Sept. 2, 2017.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

Why don't we count all the unemployed?

Jul 1, 2014
What does it mean to be "actively" looking for work?

SAC Capital founder plummets to No. 59 on rich list

Nov 4, 2013
Steven A. Cohen drops from No. 45 on the richest Americans list.

GDP revised up to 2.7%, investment revised down

Nov 29, 2012
Though the latest GDP numbers are up and jobless claims are down, the economic details tell a gloomier story.

For public good, not for profit.

Recovering from job loss

Aug 23, 2012
Author DW Gibson on what he learned traveling across the country talking with the unemployed for his new book, "Not Working," and one of the book's subjects, Bridgette Lacy, discusses what it's like to be jobless.
Employment pamphlets. Author DW Gibson on what he learned traveling across the country talking with the unemployed for his new book, "Not Working," and one of the book's subjects, Bridgette Lacy, discusses what it's like to be jobless.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

This economic recovery will be a jobless one

Jun 21, 2012
Marketplace's Chris Farrell argues that this recovery is more similar to the jobless recoveries of the 1990s and 2000s than of the 1980s and 1970s, and he talks about what to expect going forward.

Jobless unsurprised by today's bad report

Jun 1, 2012
People at an unemployment office say they're experiencing jobless numbers firsthand.