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Wall Street not so merry over bonuses

Dec 21, 2007
Some positive analysts think the bonuses on Wall Street will come up, and others hear that bonuses are down. Ashley Milne-Tyte tells us who is most likely to walk away with a healthy check.

Just kidding about that 'recession' thing

Dec 20, 2007
The final GDP numbers are in, and the economy grew 4.9 percent in the third quarter, despite the looming threat of recession. Nancy Marshall Genzer looks into why, and reports some economists are still cautious.

Keep on truckin' -- a few more hours

Dec 19, 2007
The White House has reinstated higher driving-time limits for truckers. Today the Senate will consider the 11-hour restriction and its potential impact on fatality rates. Sam Eaton reports.

U.S. mail busy, but not busy enough

Dec 17, 2007
It's the busiest day of the year for the U.S. Postal Service, and it could use the business. Despite delivering half the mail in the world, the U.S. Post Office suffered $5 billion in losses this year. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
A mail carrier sorts letters at the Post Office
Scott Olson/Getty Images

Temps with benefits

Dec 14, 2007
With freelancing and consulting on the rise, Marketplace's Ashley Milne-Tyte learns about the growing movement among the self-employed to get more than just a paycheck.

The company gives to its performers

Dec 14, 2007
Analysts are projecting pay raises to go up about the same amount they did the past year. But Ashley Milne-Tyte reports the pay-for-performance factor is becoming increasingly important in determining bonuses.

Truckers cause traffic jams at pump

Dec 12, 2007
The truckers' strike in Italy is rolling into day three, and aside from frustrating customers with empty shelves, it's also causing long lines at gas stations. Megan Williams has more.

For public good, not for profit.

With no new shows, NBC gives refunds

Dec 11, 2007
The Hollywood writers strike has halted production of new TV episodes, so NBC has begun giving money back to advertisers who had paid in advance. Other networks may follow. Jeff Tyler reports.

Conference looks at unions' tough times

Dec 11, 2007
The AFL-CIO hosted a conference in Washington that considered the critically low number of workers in unions and the need for improved benefits. Jeremy Hobson reports on what unions need to regain traction.

TV is soon to face reality

Dec 10, 2007
As the Writer's Guild strike passes into week six, TV networks and studios come closer to running out of original material. Steve Henn reports we might all soon be facing a lot more reality programming.