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A potential boost to U.S. union policy

Dec 10, 2007
The AFL-CIO is hosting a conference in Washington today that will consider the critically low number of workers in unions and boosting up benefits. Jeremy Hobson reports on what unions need to regain traction.

Jobs report falls in a vague sweet spot

Dec 7, 2007
There was a certain beauty to today's unemployment report. The economy added almost 100,000 new jobs last month and you could interpret the numbers just about any way you wanted -- good, bad, or none of the above. Steve Tripoli reports.

High-tech innovation in short supply

Dec 6, 2007
To make up for a shortage of mathmaticians and computer scientists in the U.S., many companies turn to outsourcing. But Dan Grech reports the congressional limit on work visas might also be pushing out innovation.

Job numbers could indicate slowdown

Dec 5, 2007
The good news is that there are fewer reported lay-offs for 2007 than the previous year. The bad news is there are also fewer new jobs being created. So what does this mean for the economy overall? Dan Grech has more.

Santa's high-ranking retail helpers

Dec 5, 2007
To give the elves an extra hand, or maybe just to boost their reputations, CEOs of big retailers have been joining the ranks with their staff, answering phones and working the floors. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Ring bell for service

Low jobless rate won't cheer up Europe

Dec 4, 2007
The unemployment rate in Europe is at a record low, but consumers aren't exactly giddy about the economy. Scott Jagow talks to European correspondent Megan Williams about the factors involved in consumers' current mood.

South African miners to strike for safety

Nov 30, 2007
A quarter of a million miners are set to walk off the job in South Africa on Tuesday to call attention to unsafe working conditions. Mining has been part of the country's fabric for more than a century, but little attention has been paid to the human costs. Gretchen Wilson reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Ireland's leader seeing the green

Nov 30, 2007
Irish Prime Minister Bertie Ahern's new raise makes a higher-earning political leader than the U.S. president. Stephen Beard reports that with Ireland heading towards a recession, his inflated income has pretty bad timing.

Fighting for a higher tomato value

Nov 30, 2007
A thousand migrant farm workers in Miami are marching to Burger King headquarters to protest the fast-food giant's refusal to give them a penny more per pound of tomatoes. Dan Grech reports their last raise was three decades ago.

Talk-show host Daly to cross picket line

Nov 28, 2007
Late-night talk show host Carson Daly is breaking ranks with Jay, Dave, and Conan on the Writers Guild Strike. He's going back to work on Monday -- deal or no deal. And he's asked non-union writers to give him material. Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Late-night talk show host Carson Daly
Chad Buchanan/Getty Images