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Blue Card: Don't leave home without it?

Oct 23, 2007
In an effort to attract highly skilled immigrant workers, the European Union is proposing its version of the U.S. "green card" visa. It would offer faster approval and employment guarantees. And it has U.S. businesses worried. Dan Grech reports.

Blue is the new Green card

Oct 23, 2007
The E.U. is unveiling a "Blue Card" program in an effort to better retain its pool of skilled foreign workers. Kyle James juxtaposes Europe's new work visa with the U.S. Green Card.

An economy Italy can't refuse

Oct 23, 2007
Mafia activity may be declining in the U.S., but in Italy it's a large part of the economy. Rome correspondent Megan Williams explains to Scott Jagow how mobsters are still exerting control.

New job-seeking tool? It's the network

Oct 19, 2007
The business of online networking is growing, and part of the reason is that people are using their networks to recruit and job-seek. Jeremy Hobson found that, just like it is offline, it's less about what you know -- it's who you know.

UAW members hesitate on Chrysler pact

Oct 19, 2007
Detroit heaved a sigh of relief when the news came that a deal had been reached between the United Auto Workers and Chrysler. But they may have been slightly premature. Alisa Roth reports.

FedEx drivers finally fed up

Oct 19, 2007
To save money, FedEx classifies its drivers as independent contractors, not employees. So they made a special delivery back to the company -- a lawsuit.

Working bitter to make sweet

Oct 19, 2007
Living in sub-human conditions, cane workers in the Dominican Republic labor to bring us the sugar we use in our morning coffee. Scott Jagow talks to Bill Haney, who covers their conditions in the new documentary "The Price of Sugar."

For public good, not for profit.

New news group, old ethics debacle

Oct 17, 2007
Billionaires Herbert and Marion Sandler are starting a news organization dedicated entirely to investigative journalism. But Steve Tripoli reports where Pro Publica may already hit a conflict of interest.

No money for us, no money for you

Oct 16, 2007
Public pension fund CalPERS is considering a plan to pay fund managers only if they perform well. If they don't beat certain benchmarks, they'll make nothing. Jeff Tyler reports.

Working in Italy is war

Oct 15, 2007
In Italy, almost four workers die each day due to workplace-related accidents. Megan Williams reports on what -- or who -- is doing the killing.