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Hollywood's recalculating residuals

Jul 13, 2007
The big movie and TV studios wants to come up with a new formula for how residuals are paid to writers, actors and directors get when their work is rebroadcast, but they could have a big fight on their hands. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports.

Outsourcing, it's in the mail

Jul 13, 2007
The U.S. Postal Service has been handing more and more delivery routes to private contractors and letter carriers don't like it. Yesterday they agreed on wages and benefits, but the use of outside contractors still needs to be addressed. Jill Barshay reports.

Go west, young frau!

Jul 10, 2007
Educated young women in East Germany are moving away in search of opportunity in the West and other parts of the world. Kyle James reports on the impact their migration is having back home.

Baseball's newest position: translator

Jul 9, 2007
Major League Baseball's rosters are increasingly being filled by foreign-born players, and that trend has translated into a new job opportunity for people fluent in certain languages, including baseball, Nancy Farghalli reports.
Seattle Mariners pitcher Kazuhiro Sasaki talks with pitching coach Bryan Price  through interpreter Allen Turner during 2002 spring training workouts.
Roy Dabner/AFP/Getty Images

Day in the Work Life: Bike mechanic

Jul 6, 2007
There are 600,000 bikes in Amsterdam, and they're fairly robust. But occasionally, you're gonna need something tweaked.

Is the economy better than we think?

Jul 6, 2007
The Labor Department released job numbers today that were better than expected. If companies are creating jobs when the economy's supposed to be stalling, are we better off than we thought? John Dimsdale reports.

Cost of Chinese labor is on the rise

Jul 6, 2007
The seemingly unlimited supply of low-cost labor that has allowed China to undercut American manufacturers may not be unlimited after all. There are signs that labor costs are creeping up. Scott Tong reports.

For public good, not for profit.

More and more jobs land in India

Jul 5, 2007
India's tech and services sectors are growing by leaps and bounds. This year, revenues in the tech sector alone are expected to reach $50 billion. And a lot of that dough is coming from American companies, Stacey Vanek-Smith reports.
Workers at a call center in India
Getty Images

Extra-long holiday weekend

Jul 2, 2007
In fact, just make it a week. Lots of folks are taking advantage of the Wednesday holiday and plunking down a couple vacation days to enjoy an extended July 4 break. But will consumer spending stretch along with it? Alisa Roth reports.

Are you sure you deleted that e-mail?

Jun 29, 2007
You may think you've trashed all those "classified" files, but your computer is really just one big copying machine. So before you sell off an old computer, make sure your personal data is really gone.