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Are you sure you deleted that e-mail?

Jun 29, 2007
You may think you've trashed all those "classified" files, but your computer is really just one big copying machine. So before you sell off an old computer, make sure your personal data is really gone.

Ledbetter goes to Congress

Jun 28, 2007
Remember Lilly Ledbetter? She sued Goodyear after discovering she'd been paid less than male employees throughout her career. Her case went all the way to the Supreme Court, where she lost on a technicality. Enter Congress. Jeremy Hobson explains.

Immigration-bill boost for Home Depot?

Jun 27, 2007
A proposed amendment to the controversial legislation would shield the home improvement superstore chain from being forced by local governments to provide facilities for day laborers. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Wanted: Bilingual teachers

Jun 26, 2007
While most kids are out of school for the summer, school administrators spend the time looking for teachers.And in Texas, bilingual teachers are in particularly short supply. Joy Diaz reports.

Education gaps slow U.K. productivity

Jun 26, 2007
Britain has enjoyed huge economic gains lately, but a new survey says overall rates of illiteracy and poor math skills are dragging down how productive the nation's workforce can be. Stephen Beard reports.

Short-term loans without the shark

Jun 22, 2007
The storefronts are a hallmark of lower-income neighborhoods. "Payday loan" operations offer short-term loans to people who need emergency cash, but often at outrageously high interest rates. Now the government's looking for better options. Alisa Roth reports.

Auto parts won't pay the same

Jun 21, 2007
The largest U.S. auto parts maker may get its wish to slash wages by as much as half. Delphi and the United Auto Workers reportedly are very close to reaching a new labor contract deal. And workers are expected to accept it, Jill Barshay reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Studying ways to help 2-career couples

Jun 18, 2007
A lot of married couples find themselves having to figure out who gives up what so the other can take the job of a lifetime. Jane Lindholm reports it's a problem especially common in academia.

Can parks preserve quality service?

Jun 15, 2007
The National Park Service is relying increasingly on volunteers to staff its facilities. But some park service employees are complaining that the quality of service is suffering -- and so is morale. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Professional women? With little-girl voices?

Jun 14, 2007
Reporter Ashley Milne-Tyte noticed that many professional women in their 20s and 30s speak in ways that are, well, not very direct. She asked around about how women's voices matter to their careers.