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Yes, there's a doctor in the house

Feb 19, 2007
As health care premiums cut deeper and deeper into companies' bottom lines, on-site health care is becoming more than just an attractive employee benefit. Now it's more cost-effective than ever.

Day in the Work Life: The lion king

Feb 16, 2007
On this week's 'A Day In the Work Life,' our regular look at how folks trade time for money, we hold steady with a lion tamer.

For some, it doesn't pay to get sick

Feb 16, 2007
Congress wants to guarantee all American workers a week of paid sick leave a year. But the legislation is making some businesses sick with worry. Tess Vigeland interviews Debra Ness of the National Partnership for Women and Families.

Outlawing genetic bias in the workplace

Feb 15, 2007
Republicans were able to block it for over a decade, but Congress may finally be ready to pass legislation that'll ban employers and insurers from discriminating against people based on DNA.

Newspapers, spend more money!

Feb 15, 2007
Survey says: Newspapers that invest more money in their newsrooms make more money. Researchers say the media industry's recent inclination to slash jobs to cut costs is not only ineffective, but detrimental.

Fighting to keep Burberry British

Feb 14, 2007
Demonstrators in six cities around the world today will protest the closing of a Burberry factory in Wales as the outsourcing of those 300 jobs to China has grown into a bit of a cause célèbre.

Paid sick days for all

Feb 13, 2007
Democrats want to guarantee all Americans seven days of paid sick leave a year, but passing the legislation won't be a slam dunk: Some Republicans and the business lobby are resistant.

For public good, not for profit.

Stemming the Boomer retirement tide

Feb 12, 2007
One California professor says we need to invest in educating the children of immigrant workers, because they may be our best hope for replacing the wave of Baby Boomers about to leave the workforce.

Minimum-wage accord faces maximum challenge

Feb 9, 2007
A House committee released a $1.2 billion package of small-business tax cuts today. The House is trying to find common ground with the Senate on a minimum-wage increase, but that ground is proving shaky. Steve Tripoli reports.

Day in the Work Life: Looking for love

Feb 9, 2007
On this week's 'A Day In the Work Life,' our regular look at how folks trade time for money, we make a date with a matchmaker.