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How to raise the money question

Feb 9, 2007
Most workers would prefer a root canal to asking their boss for a raise. So we decided to find out how to make that conversation less painful. Tess Vigeland reports on the do's and don't's of preparing for the money talk.

Alcatel-Lucent cutting 12,500 jobs

Feb 9, 2007
Growing pains at the world's largest maker of telecommunications equipment: Alcatel-Lucent announced today that it will lay off even more workers than anticipated. And don't look for a quick turnaround.

You think your commute is bad?

Feb 7, 2007
When the coal mines near Canada's east coast closed, miners found work in Alberta's Oil Sands 3,000 miles away. Phonse Jessome reports on the impact the western Canadian industry has on one small eastern town.

Low pay amid the height of luxury

Feb 6, 2007
Yale sociologist Rachel Sherman did some hands-on research into what it's like to work in a low-wage job at a five-star hotel. She talks with Kai Ryssdal about her experience.

Chrysler may join GM, Ford in making cuts

Feb 5, 2007
Daimler-Chrysler's putting together a major restructuring plan, according to The Detroit News. Alisa Roth explains that we'll know a whole lot more next week.

Tomorrow's perfect employee

Feb 5, 2007
After reading "The Time Machine" by H.G. Wells, commentator Moira Manion has some thoughts about what we might expect for the workers of the future.

Has your coverage been dropped?

Feb 2, 2007
Consumers beware: There's a growing trend of private health insurance companies dropping policyholders -- after they've agreed to a coverage plan. Tess Vigeland interviews Jerry Flanagan of the Foundation for Taxpayer and Consumer Rights.

For public good, not for profit.

Day in the Work Life: Money for music

Feb 2, 2007
On this week's 'A Day In the Work Life,' our regular look at how folks trade time for money, we get in tune with a band booker

Unemployment figures are up, but . . .

Feb 2, 2007
Overall we saw job growth in January, but things weren't so rosy in the manufacturing sector. And that has some folks whispering about recession. Janet Babin reports.

Where's our paid leave?

Feb 1, 2007
The U.S. lags far behind the rest of the world when it comes to workplace policies such as paid maternity or sick leave. Study author Jody Heymann breaks it down for us.