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A new brand of labor talks

Dec 28, 2006
Striking Goodyear workers vote on a new labor contract today — one that was painstakingly negotiated between management and the labor union and retirees and ... Steve Tripoli has the rest.

Least productive workday of the year

Dec 26, 2006
Not many people are showing up at offices around the country this week, and the ones who are probably aren't getting much done — but that may not be such a bad thing. Steve Tripoli explains.

Women falling deeper into the wage gap

Dec 21, 2006
A new study shows that women have made big gains in the workplace over the past five years — until you compare their paychecks with men's. Hillary Wicai reports.

Low-wage workers take it to the bank

Dec 20, 2006
Janitors in London took to the streets recently to protest the multimillion dollar bonuses top execs are taking home from the buildings they clean. Don MacGillivray has the story.

Delta pilots feed the hand that bites them

Dec 20, 2006
Delta Airlines is expected to get the go-ahead to end its pilot pension plan today. But only yesterday, its pilots rallied in support of their employer. Curt Nickisch explains.

FedEx gets help from the top

Dec 18, 2006
Shoppers are rushing to get those last-minute gifts delivered and thanks to the Internet, a record number of packages will be shipped this week. At FedEx, everyone's pitching in to meet demand. Tanya Ott explains.

What holiday bonus?

Dec 8, 2006
Fewer workers are collecting holiday cash bonuses these days. Some folks will be treated to small token gifts -- so is that better than nothing? Hillary Wicai reports.

For public good, not for profit.

A Goldilocks job report

Dec 8, 2006
Not too hot, not too cold. The economy added 132,000 new jobs in November — better than analysts expected but not without some downside risk. Amy Scott reports.

The perfect worker: Tall, thin, and he drinks!

Dec 8, 2006
Cash Peters tests the findings of recent studies on what types of employees companies are looking to hire.

Unemployment increase a statistical fluke?

Dec 8, 2006
The unemployment rate went up a tenth of a percent in November. Host Brian Watt talks to Standard & Poor's chief economist David Wyss who says this year's holiday calendar had an interesting effect on the numbers.