Bloomberg editor apologizes for violating client privacy

May 13, 2013
Bloomberg News admits reporters used Bloomberg terminals to access clients' information.

Financing the best journalism you've never read

Apr 2, 2013
Did you know you're missing out on some great reads? Journalism that never sees the light of day because, well, one person decides it's just not interesting enough to publish.

Send in the phone drones

Nov 1, 2012
AT&T and T-Mobile say they have temporarily jury-rigged their network in parts of the Northeast so that customers who can't reach their normal cellphone connection can use the rival's tower without extra charge.

Al Jazeera China correspondent expelled

May 8, 2012
The expulsion of the correspondent of Al Jazeera English from China is a blow to the rapidly expanding news service.

On the legacy of Mike Wallace and '60 Minutes'

Apr 9, 2012
Former head of NBC News, Richard Wald, reflects on the work of the late CBS newsman Mike Wallace and the program for which Wallace was most identified, "60 Minutes."

New owner at The New Republic

Mar 9, 2012
Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes takes over as owner and editor-in-chief of The New Republic. He's 28. The magazine is nearly 100.

Journalists save news nuggets for books

Apr 16, 2010
An interesting piece in Politico discusses the debate over whether it's wrong for journalists to leave out bits and pieces of news from their...

For public good, not for profit.

NPR clears its doorstep

Mar 13, 2009
NPR has decided to cancel all of its newspaper subscriptions, except for the Wall Street Journal. Romenesko posted an internal NPR memo that says...

Is Journalism Dead?

Feb 27, 2009
That's the title of the seminar I'm in right now at the Kauffman Foundation. It began with a speech from former Boston Globe writer David Warsh,...

Bring on the Tweets

Feb 23, 2009
Okay, I'm convinced. I've signed up for Twitter. You can access my profile and start following me at . I'm...