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Former union leader Andy Stern reacts to Walker victory

Jun 6, 2012
Scott Walker's victory yesterday dealt a blow to organized labor in Wisconsin and may have broader implications nationwide. Andy Stern, former head of the Service Employees International Union, gives us his reaction.

Big labor reels after Scott Walker victory

Jun 6, 2012
Republican Scott Walker won the recall election in Wisconsin yesterday which may have implications for organized labor in other states.

How working at home factors into the economy

Apr 12, 2012
The number of Americans applying for unemployment benefits jumped last week by 13,000 to 380,000. But what about all those Americans working at home?

Foxconn agrees to raise worker wages

Feb 20, 2012
The Taiwan-based manufacturer will also cut down on excessive overtime. What will this mean for its purchasers -- like Apple -- and consumers?

Congress considers rules about child labor on farms

Feb 2, 2012
The government was set to impose new rules limiting the work kids are allowed to do on farms, but those rules are being reconsidered after an outcry from farmers.

Indiana becomes right-to-work state

Feb 2, 2012
The new law means workers can't be forced to join a union in order to get or keep a job. Proponents say it'll bring more jobs into the state; opponents say it could lead to a decline in working conditions.

NLRB board vacancies could stall major labor decisions

Dec 28, 2011
The National Labor Relations Board is about to lose the ability to enforce the nation's labor laws. On Dec. 31st, three of the five seats on the Board will become vacant. Without a quorum, the NLRB cannot decide cases.

For public good, not for profit.

Home care workers may get minimum wage, overtime

Dec 15, 2011
The administration's proposal could help a growing industry retain workers. But some say high labor costs could limit care for the elderly and disabled.

Jill Schlesinger: Reason to smile today, but jobs crisis far from over

Oct 7, 2011
The September jobs report is out and it was better than last month, when I complained that President Obama blew it on jobs. The Labor Department ...

The robots are coming! Or, how to spoil a pefectly nice dance party.

Aug 1, 2011
Foxconn, the Taiwanese company that assembles Apple's iPhones and iPads, is reportedly planning to "hire" 1 million robots to take on the boring,...