Conventions are go-time for lobbyists and advocates

Jul 28, 2016
With so many influencers in one spot, they're a great way to spread your message
A general view of the DNC 2016.
Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

Why US Export-Import Bank backers are lobbying furiously

Jun 30, 2016
The bank is hobbled in making big foreign deals. Critics call the loans 'corporate welfare.'
Banks are lobbying congress over the U.S. Export-Import Bank, a government agency that makes loans to foreigners.
Win McNamee/Getty Image

There are 14,000 lobbying groups in Washington

May 26, 2015
Thirty-five of them focus on dairy. Why? “We have to tell our story."

Tax lobbyists: A growth industry in nation's capital

Jan 23, 2015
Tax lobbying heats up, surpasses healthcare lobbying in Washington, D.C.

JPMorgan CEO says 'banks are under assault'

Jan 14, 2015
How burdensome is Dodd-Frank is to banks like JPMorgan?

The numbers for October 30, 2014

Oct 30, 2014
Five years after the Bold, Blackberry is going "Classic." Let's do the numbers.

Tech pumps cash into D.C., but for what?

Sep 24, 2014
For years, tech companies ignored Washington. Not anymore.

For public good, not for profit.

Video game lobby answers 'call of duty' on the Hill

Jul 30, 2014
Lobbyists are using money, charm, and an army of gamers to influence legislation.
A strategy meeting at the Entertainment Software Association.
Nancy Marshall-Genzer

No deluge of campaign cash after limits end

Jul 24, 2014
Lobbyists are among the small number of donors affected by the decision.

The new business of lobbying

Mar 26, 2014
"Government affairs professionals," as lobbyists like to call themselves, say their job has changed.