President Obama extends overtime pay to more workers

Jun 30, 2015
The proposal could mean bigger paychecks for up to five million workers.

Executive diversity can pay off, study says

Jan 22, 2015
The challenge lies in getting management buy-in.

Can I ask you to blue sky that synergy?

Aug 4, 2014
The origin of business jargon, and why people use it.
Office Space/20th Century Fox

Obama seeks expanded overtime pay

Mar 12, 2014
The president seeks to change overtime pay rules via executive powers.

When daughters take over the family business

Feb 19, 2014
Women leading family businesses is five times higher than the late '90s.

New ways to cut wasteful spending at the Pentagon

May 13, 2013
The Air Force turns to rank and file to ferret out waste, following the example of the private sector.

Why do women get smaller raises than men?

Aug 3, 2012
A recent study showed that managers gave men more than two-thirds of the available raise pool.
A professor says she thinks that the gender wage gap can partially be due to assumptions managers may have about what kinds of rewards male and female employees may value.

For public good, not for profit.

BlackBerry CEO shake-up points to new strategy

Jan 23, 2012
The new chief executive, Thorsten Heins, will bring "new blood" to Research In Motion, as the company tries to win back its position in the smartphone market