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Why Disney took a stake in Hulu

Apr 30, 2009
Disney is taking a 30% stake in the online video Web site Hulu. What's in it for Disney? Jennifer Collins reports.

Will Endeavor, William Morris clash?

Apr 27, 2009
Talent agencies William Morris and Endeavor are expected to announce a merger, which could create a star chamber big enough to pull back power from Hollywood's big studios. But will their cultures clash? Jennifer Collins reports.

Did Roche pay too much for Genentech?

Apr 22, 2009
When drug maker Roche bought Genentech, it was counting on the success of the pharmaceutical company's cancer drug Avastin. But the drug didn't prevent the recurrence of colon cancer in clinical tests. Janet Babin reports.

What matters in the Oracle deal

Apr 20, 2009
Tech giant Oracle is buying server and software maker Sun Microsystems in a $7.4 billion acquisition. Bill Radke talks to tech blogger Kara Swisher, who explains why the deal is important, although maybe not transformative.

YouTube not a Google cash cow

Apr 16, 2009
Google releases first-quarter earnings today, and some investors are worried about the company's investment in YouTube, which only makes up to 2 percent of Google's revenue. Rico Gagliano explores what YouTube brings to the table.

eBay could benefit from Skype IPO

Apr 15, 2009
Today eBay says it plans to spin off Skype through an IPO. Although it's enjoyed healthy profits, eBay has struggled to include Skype in its business model. Steve Chiotakis talks to Marketplace's Stephen Beard.

Will merger of homebuilders help?

Apr 8, 2009
Housing company stocks soared after two home building giants announced a merger. But the housing market is still struggling in the short run. So is the money being spent worth it? Mitchell Hartman reports.

For public good, not for profit.

IBM, Sun Microsystems cold on deal

Apr 6, 2009
The potential multibillion-dollar deal between IBM and Sun Microsystems may have been put on ice because of a disagreement between the companies' board of directors. Steve Henn reports who went cold in the deal.

Broken Coke deal sign of protectionism

Mar 18, 2009
Regulators in China have denied Coca-Cola's plan to buy a Chinese juice company. Dan Grech reports the broken deal may signal rising protectionism in China and worldwide.

Sun Microsystems, IBM talking merger

Mar 18, 2009
Sun Microsystems and IBM are reportedly in talks over a potential $6.5 billion merger deal. Janet Babin explores what the two tech companies have in common and how the deal could help Sun Microsystems gain an edge over competition.