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Mexican border factories offer better benefits than your job

Jun 25, 2013
Two factories in Tijuana have been singled out as the best places to work in Mexico and can teach U.S. companies a thing or two about innovative employee benefits.

Some firms targeting U.S. choose Mexico over China

May 27, 2013
Some companies who sell to the U.S. now prefer Mexico to China as a manufacturing base. Rising Chinese labor costs are part of the reason. Mexico's proximity to the U.S. is another.

PODCAST: Weather to blame for low Walmart sales; Angelina Jolie surgery boosts film about breast cancer

May 16, 2013
Walmart sales are down and so are housing starts, but the weather could be to blame. Plus, a small film about breast cancer research gets an unexpected boost from Angelina Jolie's preventive mastectomy.

Mexican citizens stem corruption with social media

May 16, 2013
In Mexico, social media outlets such as Twitter have sprung up as tools used by the public to battle public corruption.

As Obama visits Mexico, the slippery topic of oil comes up

May 2, 2013
President Obama visits Mexico today and will hold talks with President Enrique Pena de Nieto. Among the likely topics: Mexico's vast oil and gas reserves. Production could increase with foreign funding, but that is a touchy move in Mexico.

The economic stakes with Mexico: Immigration, trade, and security

May 2, 2013
President Obama heads to Mexico today to meet with that country's new President Enrique Peña Nieto. The two leaders will discuss immigration reform, trade, and economics.

Why Mexico is key to American prosperity

Apr 25, 2013
Despite problems with immigration and drug cartels, Mexico is growing a middle class and stable economy. One that benefits the United States.

For public good, not for profit.

How telecom reform in Mexico could impact U.S. immigration

Mar 21, 2013
New Mexican President Peña Nieto hopes to reshape the country's phone and television service by increasing competition through foreign investment.

Same proportion of Mexicans and Americans wants life abroad

Feb 25, 2013
A recent Gallup poll indicates that the same percentage of Americans and Mexicans want to live abroad -- 11 percent of respondents. What are the attractions of life someplace else?

In Latin America, the middle class grows

Jan 23, 2013
A recent report from the World Bank revelas a fifty percent increase in the size of Latin America's middle class. Broad economic growth brought more jobs and more women are joining the workforce.