Why the futures market is a way to gauge the economic effects of tariffs

Jun 18, 2018
The United States has imposed tariffs on products from China, Mexico, Canada and the European Union, and retaliatory duties are on the way. What will be the overall economic effect of these trade disputes? One way to gauge that is by looking to the futures market. Click the audio player above to hear the full […]

Retaliatory Mexico tariff could leave apples rotting on trees

Jun 6, 2018
The 20 percent tariff on U.S. apple exports will have huge effects on Washington's apple industry.
Red Delicious apples hang from the branches at Walters' Fruit Ranch on September 18, 2006 in Green Bluff, Washington. Mexico is the top export market for Washington apples, which make up 90 percent of nation's apple exports.
Jeff T. Green/Getty Images

A world without NAFTA. How would that work?

Jun 5, 2018
After more than a year of three-party talks to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, President Donald Trump’s top economic aide says a new approach is needed. Larry Kudlow told “Fox & Friends” Tuesday morning that the administration now prefers to negotiate with Mexico and Canada separately. “When you have to compromise with a […]

With NAFTA negotiators still far apart, is it time for a “Skinny NAFTA”?

May 16, 2018
Tomorrow is supposed to be the final deadline  — per House Speaker Paul Ryan — for trade negotiators to agree to a revised North American Free Trade Agreement. That is if they want this Congress to vote on NAFTA before the end of the year. There’s been some push back there — others counting calendar days differently and […]

Many sticking points and little time in NAFTA negotiations

May 11, 2018
May 17. Next Thursday. That’s the deadline House Speaker Paul Ryan has set for negotiators to notify Congress that they’ve reached an agreement on a revised version of the North American Free Trade Agreement if they want to get it through Congress by the end of the year. A May deadline for a December vote […]

There is a major digital divide on the Texas-Mexico border, one of least connected parts of the country

May 3, 2018
The Texas-Mexico border is one of the least connected in the U.S. A map  from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas shows border counties bathed in bright red, meaning less than around 60 percent have home internet access. It’s a distinction shared by the Mississippi Delta and Appalachia, other parts of the country with pernicious […]

Where do NAFTA renegotiations stand?

Apr 10, 2018
After seven rounds of brokering a revamped deal, there are still major sticking points to discuss between the U.S., Canada and Mexico.

For public good, not for profit.

For American children of Mexican immigrants, a battle to get documented in Mexico

Mar 13, 2018
More than a quarter million people who were born in the U.S. to Mexican parents live in Mexico and haven’t been registered in either place.
Daniela Silva Abascal and her father Daniel Silva Soto at home in Puebla, Mexico.
Jorge Valencia for Marketplace

Trump grants tariff exemptions for Mexico and Canada

Mar 8, 2018
Imports from all other countries will face a 25 percent tariff for steel and 10 percent for aluminum.
President Donald Trump turns to outgoing National Economic Council Chairman Gary Cohn, center, during a Cabinet meeting at the White House today in Washington, D.C.

Violent crime in El Salvador has taken a damaging toll on the country's economy

Mar 5, 2018
Temporary Protected Status ended for El Salvador, but many Salvadorans are still eager to work in the U.S. as undocumented immigrants.
Train tracks in Ixtepec, Mexico. Marvin Villalobos traveled along this railroad with his three brothers in 2017 on their way to find jobs in the United States. The trip turned fatal for Villalobos when he fell off a train.
Levi Bridges/ for Marketplace