MID-DAY UPDATE: Egypt stock markets reopen, more water warnings in Tokyo

Mar 23, 2011
Tokyo health officials said today radiation levels are higher in the water supply there. Those officials are recommending people not give tap wat...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Gaddafi's gold supply, UAW meets, oil prices back up

Mar 22, 2011
Here are some of the headlines from the Marketplace Morning Report and around the web. Germany is calling for the European Union to impose a fu...

For public good, not for profit.

Mid-day Update: More on Japan, goodbye Zune

Mar 15, 2011
On today's show, Marketplace continued to follow the effects of Friday's earthquake and tsunami in Japan. The Japanese government is monitoring the...

MID-DAY UPDATE: How Japan will change the global economy

Mar 14, 2011
Tokyo's Nikkei was down 6 percent. The biggest drop since the financial crisis. Toyota says its plants will be shut down this week. Sony and Nissan...

MID-DAY UPDATE: YouTube, Web bring Japan quake to your desktop

Mar 11, 2011
There is one big story today playing out around the world. An 8.9-magnitude earthquake hit northern Japan last night, triggering a tsunami that has...