Mid-day Update: Oil prices surge with unrest in Libya, Egyptian businesses reopen

Feb 21, 2011
Over the weekend, businesses, schools, banks and museums reopened for business in Egypt. Many businesses offered deep discounts to encourage...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Dodd-Frank, budget cuts, Middle East and Lap-Band

Feb 17, 2011
The Senate banking committee today is questioning regulators of the Dodd-Frank law to gauge how much they've improved the financial system. The law...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Sanofi-Aventis buys Genzyme, inflation is up for January

Feb 16, 2011
French pharmaceutical company Sanofi-Aventis announced this morning that it will buy American biotech firm Genzyme -- bringing to end over six...

For public good, not for profit.

MID-DAY UPDATE: Obama's budget cuts, protests in Bahrain, and billable hours

Feb 14, 2011
President Obama has released his budget proposal for the 2012 federal spending plan. A growing national deficit has prompted the White House to...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Mubarak resigns, phasing-out Fannie and Freddie

Feb 11, 2011
Cheers erupted out of Egypt today as Hosni Mubarak stepped down from the presidency, handing over political power to the military. As Alisa Roth...