MIDDAY UPDATE: China raises interest rates

Oct 20, 2010
In this show we find out the reason behind China's central bank raising interest rates for the first time in nearly three years. India takes a...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Flight delays and electric cars

Oct 19, 2010
Flight delays don't only cost you a lot of frustration and time -- they also happen to cost the country more than $32 billion a year. Jeremy Hobson...

MID-DAY UPDATE: China's plans and Citi's biz

Oct 18, 2010
Starting out today's news with some China stories. The U.S. is investigating China's clean-tech policies for violations of international trade...


Oct 15, 2010
It's the first time in more than three-and-a-half decades that Iran will lead the oil cartel. What does it mean for the rest of the world, and for...

MID-DAY UPDATE: A power surge for ethanol

Oct 13, 2010
Today, Environmental Protection Agency is expected to announce an increase in the amount of ethanol allowed in gasoline. Will tell you why that...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Corn prices hit a two-year high -- what's that mean for you and me?

Oct 12, 2010
Corn futures have been climbing ever since the government predicted a light crop. You'll feel that at the grocery store... and at the gas pump....

MID-DAY UPDATE: Two Americans share Nobel Prize in Economics

Oct 11, 2010
The Nobel Prize in Economics goes to Americans and a British/Cypriot citizen. Their work is timely: How economic policies affect unemployment....

For public good, not for profit.

MID-DAY UPDATE: More job losses in September...

Oct 8, 2010
This morning, the Labor Department said federal, state and local governments cut more jobs than the private sector created. Non-farm employment...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Corporations have money. Why aren't they hiring?

Oct 7, 2010
U.S. companies have more cash on hand than they have in a while. They're using it for buying each other, buying their own stock... everything, it...

Consumer spending picks up... private hiring does not.

Oct 6, 2010
Bad news: This morning, a private payroll service said U-S companies unexpectedly decreased their workforces last month by 39,000 people. Good...