MID-DAY UPDATE: Roadblocks and a traffic jam

Aug 24, 2010
Fed officials were divided over the Federal Reserve's decision to buy more government debt Apple has filed a patent to identify jailbreakers, w...

Pay with your phone, credit card rates going up

Aug 23, 2010
Critics say the rules to receive compensation through the $20 billion BP oil spill fund are unfair....

MID-DAY UPDATE: More Americans are tapping their retirement savings ...

Aug 20, 2010
Fidelity: Records numbers are raiding their 401(K)s American Airlines hit with record fine Transocean: BP's hiding info about the Gulf spill. BP...

MID-DAY UPDATE: New unemployment claims rise to half a million...

Aug 19, 2010
... some of that is returning troops from Iraq Intel is buying McAfee! Oil discovered off coast of Mozambique -- a mixed blessing? First ever se...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Goodbye Fannie & Freddie. Hello...?

Aug 18, 2010
... What, exactly? China opens bond market to foreigners -- will yuan finally rise? Facebook to try a service that knows where you are Google's...

MID-DAY UPDATE -- Geithner: Fannie & Freddie can never be the same...

Aug 17, 2010
... So what SHOULD the government's role in housing be? Less defaulting, late pay on credit cards Americans cut back on routine medical care Cot...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Retail sales rose in July...

Aug 13, 2010
... Great news if you like higher gas prices. Consumer prices rose, too. Did we mention higher gas prices? Severe school cutbacks will take not...

For public good, not for profit.

MID-DAY UPDATE: GM CEO Ed Whitacre stepping down...

Aug 12, 2010
... the company reports $1.3 billion in profits-- IPO to come Car dealers face higher demand with short supply New jobless claims rise again For...

MID-DAY UPDATE: Trade deficit widens in June...

Aug 11, 2010
... We're in debt and out of work -- why are we still gobbling imports? Economists underwhelmed by Fed's new plan What caused the flash crash? ...

MID-DAY UPDATE: The Federal Reserve will announce...

Aug 10, 2010
... something. What is "quantitative easing"? Google and Verizon reached... something. What is "net neutrality"? Police raid Google's Seoul of...