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When it comes to the new tax law, lots of people just aren't feelin' it

Oct 17, 2018
Tax cuts have had a greater impact on companies than on individuals.
Speaker of the House Paul Ryan looks on as President Donald Trump speaks about tax reform legislation in the Cabinet Room at the White House, Nov. 2, 2017 in Washington, DC.
Drew Angerer/Getty Images

Campaigns target young voters, but will they show up on Election Day?

Oct 10, 2018
This campaign season, millions of dollars are being spent to convince young voters to register and vote in the midterm elections.
A pollster loads paper into a primary registration machine at the Travis County Courthouse in 2008 in Austin, Texas.
Ben Sklar/Getty Images

S&P 500 companies make fewer election-related donations, survey shows

Oct 4, 2018
The companies that still donate are also becoming more transparent.
Joe Raedle/Newsmakers