Stories Tagged as
Financial markets shut down in NYC ahead of Sandy
Oct 29, 2012
New York City is preparing for Hurricane Sandy by shutting down the city's public transportation. Financial markets will also be closed today.
NASDAQ considers compensation for Facebook glitch
David Gura
Jun 6, 2012
Published reports today suggest NASDAQ is working on a plan to compensate brokerages that lost perhaps $100 million when software fouled up the start of trading in Facebook's IPO last month.
Nasdaq to compensate Facebook investors
Kai Ryssdal
Jun 5, 2012
It says there was a 30-minute glitch at the Facebook open a few weeks ago. Losses are estimated to be near $100 million.
Will Facebook switch from NASDAQ to NYSE?
Scott Tong
May 24, 2012
After technical snafus on the NASDAQ market interfered with the launch of Facebook stock, there are reports the New York Stock Exhange reached out to Facebook to pick up their business.
Dow flying high despite other poor economic indicators
May 2, 2012
The Dow closed near its highest level in about four years yesterday, but how can that be when there are so many other economic indicators recently that don’t look so great?
MID-DAY UPDATE: Economy added 216,000 jobs in March, NASDAQ puts the moves on NYSE
Apr 1, 2011
Here are today's top headlines from the Marketplace Morning Report and around the web....