New mockumentary addresses net neutrality

Sep 10, 2013
The video produced by net neutrality proponents comes while the FCC and Verizon duke it out in court over the same issue this week.

Verizon and FCC set to battle over net neutrality

Sep 9, 2013
The case could impact our broadband Internet access.

Is Verizon to blame for slow Netflix service?

Jun 20, 2013
People who get their Internet from Verizon have reported having trouble with Netflix. It has to do with something called 'peering' -- and it seems Verizon hasn't been to friendly to its peers of late.

How Comcast is taking advantage of the Schminternet

Mar 29, 2012
Comcast is now available for users of Xbox Live, the online service for Xbox users. Plus, is Twitter’s random unfollow feature a bug or a feature?

Net Neutrality vote fails in the Senate

Nov 11, 2011
As we've said before, this was more like political homesteading than legitimate policy making but Senate Republicans got their vote on blocking the...

Net neutrality foes get lucky

Oct 7, 2011
Verizon's lawsuit against the FCC regarding net neutrality will be heard in the DC circuit court, this as a result of a lottery drawing. Verizon...

Weakened net neutrality might be like reducing your income

Oct 3, 2011
That's what a new report from the Institute for Policy Integrity says. The report finds that people get over $5,000 in economic benefits from the...

For public good, not for profit.

Did we not tell you Net Neutrality would get more litigious?

Sep 30, 2011
You should listen to us more often. THREE new lawsuits have been filed charging that the FCC's rules don't go nearly far enough....

FCC sued over net neutrality

Sep 29, 2011
I know, I know, dog bites man, right? These things happen all the time. But it's a little noteworthy here because the FCC is being sued from the...