New York drivers could face a whole new set of roadblocks

Aug 23, 2017
They’re calling it the Summer of Hell for transportation in New York City. There have been repairs to Penn Station, causing rerouting of New Jersey Transit and Amtrak trains and meltdowns in the aging subway infrastructure. To raise funds for improvements, New York is considering imposing additional tolls or fees on drivers who want to […]

Carting New Yorkers' trash to landfills is expensive. One solution: Make less of it.

Aug 4, 2017
A city plan to increase recycling and food composting is in the works.
One idea to get more people recycling in New York is to give them bags with a bar code on it that would attribute the load to a particular apartment. Above, bags of recycling are piled on a Manhattan street.
Spencer Platt / Getty Images

If your neighborhood's name changes, it's probably being gentrified

Jul 18, 2017
Creative neighborhood renaming is common in real estate, but not all residents are on board with the trend.
A new apartment building is under construction August 2001 in Harlem, New York City.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

The inside scoop on ice cream: George Washington, fist fights and custard

Jun 30, 2017
Journalist Amy Ettinger writes about the history of the frozen treat in her book 'Sweet Spot.'
“Sometimes my husband jokes that I’m running a gelato non-profit, and it certainly does feel that way,” said Uli Nasibova, owner of Uli’s Gelato.
David Paul Morris/Getty Images

New York’s plagued subway annoys riders and hurts the economy

Jun 27, 2017
You thought your commute was bad? More than 30 New York City subway riders got hurt this morning after two cars derailed, scraped the side of the subway tunnel and came to a stop. Delays spread throughout the system. It’s the kind of hang-up New Yorkers are sadly accustomed to, with about 70,000 subway delays per […]

NY freelancers have a new law on their side

May 17, 2017
New York freelancers who have trouble getting paid on time, or sometimes at all, have a new law on their side. The “Freelance Isn’t Free” Act went into effect this week. It’s the first law in the country to protect independent contractors from getting stiffed.  Click the audio player above to hear the full story.

For public good, not for profit.

New York mayor expected to pass ban on inquiries of wage history

Apr 19, 2017
The New York City Council recently approved legislation aimed at addressing pay inequity. The city’s private employers will no longer be allowed to ask job candidates about their current or past wages. Mayor Bill de Blasio is expected to sign the bill into law, adding New York to a growing list of cities and states […]

Why cities are cracking down on self-storage units

Apr 14, 2017
Your diploma … from elementary school. The old Christmas decorations you’ve been meaning to look through. Or those fruit dishes from your grandmother. If you’re like many Americans, you may have boxed up belongings that you can’t bear to part with but also don’t have room for and stashed them in a storage space. But […]

Report highlights a trend toward more ride-sharing, less car ownership

Apr 11, 2017
The New York auto show kicks off later this week. The event comes at a time when the auto industry is grappling with two diverging trends. On one hand, people still want big, spacious, largely gas-powered vehicles; on the other hand is a future powered by mobility services and electric vehicles. A report by the Boston Consulting Group […]