New York to offer free tuition at public colleges

Apr 10, 2017
New York has become the first state to approve a “free college” plan for middle-class families. A $153 billion budget deal reached Sunday night includes a new Excelsior Scholarship. It will cover tuition at the state’s public colleges and universities for families earning up to $125,000 a year. But as any family paying for college […]

New York's taxi economy implodes

Apr 3, 2017
With rivals like Uber on scene, yellow cab medallion prices have fallen hard.
New York City taxis wait for passengers.
Chris Hondros/Getty Images

New York plans to boost broadband infrastructure

Mar 24, 2017
New York is looking to bridge the digital divide by bringing broadband access to every household in the Empire State by the end of next year. It would be the first state in the country to pull that off. Many poor and rural areas lack broadband.  Click the audio player above to hear the full […]

The risky business of building Trump’s wall

Mar 17, 2017
As companies come forward to build border walls, local lawmakers call for divestments in protest
A man stands on the U.S. side of the U.S.-Mexico border wall in Calexico, California.
(Sandy Huffaker/Getty Images)

Is the runway still important at New York's Fashion Week?

Feb 14, 2017
How social media is changing the business of fashion and why some big brands are struggling to keep up.
The runways do matter, Kate Betts says, but there is probably more going on behind the scenes.
Mike Coppola/Getty Images

How will we know if Trump's business tweets are translating into jobs?

Feb 2, 2017
It may take months to see a trend, experts say, and it will be hard to verify using labor data.
President Donald Trump speaks to workers at Carrier air conditioning and heating while in Indianapolis, Indiana, on Dec. 1, 2016.
Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images

New York bets on offshore wind power, and not because it’s cheaper

Jan 26, 2017
The largest project of its kind in the U.S. has been approved by a public utility.

For public good, not for profit.

Squash tournaments can lead sponsors to coveted clients

Jan 19, 2017
At the professional squash tournament of champions, held in New York this month, sponsors gain access to niche clientele.
The Professional Squash Association 2017 Tournament Of Champions is played in Vanderbilt Hall at Grand Central Station.
Jimmy Jenkins

New York to shutter huge nuclear energy plant

Jan 10, 2017
Big challenges on the horizon for replacing nuclear power.

New York subway line brings excitement and rent worries

Jan 2, 2017
Manhattan’s Second Avenue finally gets its subway.
Commuters exit the uptown Q train at the 86th St. station on the newly opened Second Avenue subway line on Sunday in New York City.
Yana Paskova/Getty Images