ACLU warns of license plate tracking

Jul 19, 2013
The American Civil Liberties Union says it has found another instance of Americans being tracked by the government. Not online, but on the road through license plate tracking.

Encryption works? Microsoft helps NSA break through its own data protections

Jul 15, 2013
New documents, leaked by Edward Snowden and reported in The Guardian newspaper, show how the NSA got Microsoft to circumvent its own encryption to intercept Outlook and Skype communications.

Edward Snowden's asylum hopes a hopscotch of connections

Jul 12, 2013
Edward Snowden is believed to be holed up at Sheremetyevo Airport in Moscow, but he may be trying to figure out a way to get to Latin America, where he has been offered asylum by three countries.
Edward Snowden, a 29-year-old former technical assistant for the CIA, revealed details of top-secret surveillance conducted by the United States' National Security Agency regarding telecom data.
The Guardian via Getty Images

Defcon hacking conference disinvites government agencies

Jul 11, 2013
Revelations about secret government surveillance may have a chilling effect on the government's ability to recruit talented computer coders and hackers.

Even the NSA gets a Verizon bill with some surprise charges

Jul 10, 2013
The NSA may have been wiretapping cell phones, but they weren't getting that data for free.