RSA and the NSA: Who is telling the truth?

Dec 24, 2013
The latest revelation about government surveillance is that the National Security Agency had a partner in building weakness into security standards: a firm that is supposed to be strengthening them.

Obama to meet with tech execs about NSA spying

Dec 17, 2013
President Obama is meeting with tech industry leaders this morning. One of the big issues on the table is the National Security Agency’s big surveillance program.
Edward Snowden speaking during his dinner with a group of four retired US ex-intelligence workers and activists at a luxurious room in an unidentified location. Snowden warned of dangers to democracy in the first video released of the fugitive since Russia granted him temporary asylum in August.
AFPTV/AFP/Getty Images

NSA phone data mining is likely unconstitutional

Dec 16, 2013
A federal judge ruled against domestic phone data-mining.

The NSA’s virtual spies in 'World of Warcraft' -- on a fool’s mission?

Dec 10, 2013
Virtual worlds already have “bad guys” -- and company spies.

Major tech companies want government to ease up on the spying

Dec 9, 2013
Eight major tech companies have rallied against the NSA’s spying efforts in an openly published letter.

NSA gathers 5 billion phone records a day

Dec 5, 2013
The National Security Agency is collecting almost 5 billion cellphone records daily from around the world, meaning the NSA is tracking individuals movements in ways previously unknown.

Think your AT&T bill is big? Try picking up the CIA's spying tab

Nov 8, 2013
The CIA is said to pay AT&T more than $10 million a year for access to phone records.

For public good, not for profit.

NSA director responds to MUSCULAR story: 'We go through a court order'

Oct 31, 2013
The NSA says they haven't done anything illegal. But one cyber security expert finds that claim dubious.

NSA gets MUSCULAR, intercepts data from Google and Yahoo

Oct 31, 2013
The latest revelation about the NSA's surveillance operations is that the agency secretly broke into communication links between Google and Yahoo data centers around the world.

The Snowden Effect: Is Booz Allen feeling it?

Oct 30, 2013
Edward Snowden’s former employer, Booz Allen Hamilton, announces earnings. Did it feel a Snowden penalty?