Analyzing the health of the office

Mar 28, 2014
By 2000, about two-thirds of U.S. workers spent their days in open-plan offices

Does Office for iPad say something new about Microsoft?

Mar 27, 2014
Microsoft has resisted making Office available on iPad for a long time.

Conference calls: The best and the worst

Feb 19, 2014
Artist Zach Scott has created an infinite ode to the conference call at

Half of all meetings are unproductive. Is there a fix?

Sep 24, 2013
Oh, the dreaded office meeting. We have about four billion a year here in the U.S., but are they worth it?

From Google to Campbell's Soup, more perks for employees

Aug 28, 2013
Perks aren't just for the tech world these days.

Size matters when it comes to office desks

Jun 26, 2013
New research shows a link between where you sit, and how you act at the office.

Why forks in your office kitchen keep disappearing

Jun 19, 2013
One reason kitchen supplies are harder to keep stocked? U.S. companies have cut about a million office support positions.

For public good, not for profit.

Work from home, get distracted

Jun 19, 2013
With enough planning -- and maybe some soundproofing -- some are still finding ways to get their work done at home.

Can HR snoop too much on social media sites?

May 29, 2013
Employers often search social media sites to learn more about job applicants. But some companies prefer to avert their eyes.

Why companies are getting rid of cubicle walls

May 21, 2013
Businesses are moving away from individual offices and high-walled cubicles to more open environments. Fitting more workers into a smaller space also slashes rent costs.