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Nigeria a valued but risky oil source

Jul 16, 2008
In his continuing series of interviews on oil prices, host Kai Ryssdal talks with Fareed Mohamedi of PFC Energy about how Nigeria's production of about 2 million barrels of crude a day affects what we pay at the gas pump.

Britain offers to help secure Nigerian oil

Jul 16, 2008
Militant groups are walking away with thousands of barrels oil a day in Nigeria and Britain is offering to help the government take on the thieves. Stephen Beard reports.

A new push for nuclear power

Jul 16, 2008
With oil prices hovering near all-time highs, energy companies and Congress are taking another look at the potential of nuclear power. Janet Babin reports.

Venezuela squandered oil opportunities

Jul 16, 2008
Taking another look at the oil industry's affect on price hikes, host Kai Ryssdal discusses the problems President Hugo Chavez has caused for Venezuela's once impressive oil companies.

Carter's oil crisis warning went unheard

Jul 16, 2008
Twenty-nine years ago today, President Jimmy Carter told Americans that the energy crisis was "a clear and present danger to our nation" and drew out a plan to address it. Sustainability reporter Sam Eaton asks what happened.

Rubbermaid shrinking its product line

Jul 15, 2008
Rubbermaid, the company that makes those see-through food containers you can never find the lids for, is going to phase out some products and raise prices on others. Ashley Milne-Tyte reports on the cost-saving measures.

Sagging dollar boosts oil prices

Jul 15, 2008
Economic fears have driven the dollar to a new low against the euro and a weak dollar makes everything we buy from overseas more expensive, including oil. Steve Henn reports.

For public good, not for profit.

Welcome to shut-off season

Jul 11, 2008
With oil prices climbing through the roof, hanging up the car keys has become more popular. But high energy prices affect us many more places than just the gas tank. Jeremy Hobson reports.

Summer School: A barrel of oil

Jul 11, 2008
We're taking you back to the basics with our summer refresher course on finance terms. Today, what exactly is a barrel of oil?

Is $200-a-barrel oil in our future?

Jul 11, 2008
The cost of oil continued its rise this week. Where's the tipping point? Host Tess Vigeland asks oil analyst Tom Kloza how high the price of a barrel of oil will have to go before demand lessens.
Oil rigs in Culver City, Calif.
David McNew/Getty Images