Pressure mounts on Biden to use Defense Production Act, but it's not a "magic wand"

Mar 14, 2022
Those bipartisan calls from Congress follow the president's ban on Russian oil and other energy imports.
Though pressure is building for President Joe Biden to invoke the Defense Production Act to boost domestic oil production, some say the situation is not a national emergency — a requirement for tapping the act.
Nicholas Kamm/AFP via Getty Images

Frackers face labor, equipment and materials shortages as they try to capitalize on high oil prices

Mar 11, 2022
The people and equipment they need are already hard at work.
Fracking for oil is a two-stage process. First, you drill the well. Then you complete it by injecting sand and water to force the oil out. Above, fracking equipment at a well in Culberson County, Texas.
Paul Ratje/AFP via Getty Images

Could U.K. fracking wean Europe off its addiction to Russian gas?

Mar 10, 2022
The government says it is mulling the possibility of lifting the fracking suspension to ease the energy crisis caused by the invasion of Ukraine.
The United Kingdom shut down fracking for safety and environmental reasons in 2019; the wells were due to be filled with concrete as early as next week. Above, a Cuadrilla fracking site in Preston, England.
Christopher Furlong/Getty Images

Domestic oil could increase supply, but it won't be cheap — or quick

Mar 9, 2022
"The harsh reality for U.S. oil markets is that there is no switch that anyone can flip to suddenly turn on oil production overnight," one expert told us.
It might take six to nine months for domestic oil producers to substantially ramp up production.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

Why do we import Russian (and other foreign) oil when we have a lot of it in the U.S.?

Mar 7, 2022
The way U.S. oil refineries are set up has a lot to do with it.
A pump jack operates in New Mexico. Though the U.S. has oil-producing regions, it would take a hefty investment to retrofit refineries to process light sweet crude.
Paul Ratje/AFP via Getty Images

Why it's tough to wean the West off Russian oil and gas

Feb 24, 2022
For 15 years the EU has been talking about decreasing its dependence on Russia's gas and oil, but it didn't do it intime.
Russia is the main supplier of natural gas and oil to the European Union. Above, oil tank cars on rail tracks near the Siberian town of Tobolsk.
Andrei Borodulin/AFP Getty Images

Biden's release from petroleum reserve probably won't move gas prices

Nov 23, 2021
They're high because oil producers aren't ramping up supply quickly enough.
Oil producers' “incentives are all aligned to keep prices high," an expert says. "And that is going to create some real pain for consumers.”
Andrew Caballero-Reynolds/AFP via Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

Biden administration auctions oil and gas leases on 1.7 million acres of the Gulf of Mexico

Nov 19, 2021
A court ordered the administration to resume the auctions it had suspended.
Drilling of the newly auctioned Gulf of Mexico gas and oil leases likely won't begin for seven to 10 years. Above, a drilling platform off the coast of Texas.
Tom Pennington via Getty Images

Biden administration considers its options as gas prices rise

Nov 18, 2021
Officials are considering releasing oil from the strategic reserve. They’re also pushing the FTC to investigate possible price gouging.
There are several factors that go into why the price for gas can be so different from country to country.
Justin Sullivan via Getty Images

To drill or not to drill, that is the question with oil at $80 a barrel

Oct 11, 2021
So far, big oil companies are in the "not" camp.
As the rally in oil prices continues, independent drillers are expanding their investments in Texas’ Permian Basin, but so far, industry giants are on the sidelines.
Paul Ratje/AFP via Getty Images