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Investment banks hoarding oil

Jan 9, 2009
Fifty million barrels of oil are just sitting around on supertankers. They're not getting unloaded because investors are waiting for the price of oil to go up. Mitchell Hartman explains.

Asphalt shortage makes recovery rough

Jan 6, 2009
President-elect Obama wants to spend nearly $300 billion on infrastructure projects to create jobs and boost the ailing economy. But road and bridge repairs will require a lot of asphalt, and as Joel Rose reports, a shortage of it could spell trouble.

Cheap oil puts Venezuela over a barrel

Jan 6, 2009
High oil prices have kept Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez popular over the years. But with oil prices falling and a stack of bills piling up, the Venezuelan economy is at risk of collapsing. Dan Grech reports.

Europe low on fuel without Russian gas

Jan 6, 2009
The dispute between Russia and Ukraine is heating up. While the two countries fight over the price of natural gas and an unpaid bill, several European nations are caught in the middle. Stephen Beard reports that many nations are warning of fuel shortages.

Ethanol you can brew at home

Jan 2, 2009
If you're done drinking for a while, why not turn your extra libations into fuel? Rachel Dornhelm explores a machine that turns alcohol and sugar waste into food for your car, and whether it can save you money over the long haul.

A volatile market for home heating oil

Dec 30, 2008
Prices for home heating oil looked like they were only going to continue rising this past summer, so many customers locked in winter contracts. Now, heating oil's dropped to less than $2.50. Kai Ryssdal speaks with oil retailer Peter Bourne about how his customers are feeling and how his business is doing.

The rise and fall of Gazprom

Dec 30, 2008
Russian natural gas giant Gazprom thrived in the first half of the year, but fell sharply from July on. Stephen Beard reports Gazprom's year ahead is looking grim.

For public good, not for profit.

Dow Chemical down after deal implodes

Dec 29, 2008
Dow Chemical was set on a joint venture with a state-owned Kuwaiti company. But after the deal fell through, so did the company's shares. As Janet Babin reports, without a merger, another Dow Chemical deal may be at risk.

Oil investors aren't very pumped

Dec 29, 2008
Oil prices may be falling, but Wall Street investors aren't jumping at any opportunities in the oil market like they once were. Part of the reason is that prices are unrealistically low. Bob Moon reports.

Kuwait backs out of Dow deal

Dec 29, 2008
Dow Chemical has been planning a multibillion-dollar joint venture with Kuwait, but plummeting oil prices have led Kuwaitis to back out of the deal. Steve Henn reports on the impact that Kuwait's decision will have on Dow.