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Gas highs don't benefit station owners

Aug 7, 2008
You would think that as gas prices continue to climb, gas station owners would be raking it in. But times are just as tough on the side managing the pump. Alisa Roth reports many station owners are just getting by.

Corn prices pop ADM's ethanol profits

Aug 6, 2008
Rising costs have driven Archer Daniels Midland, the world's largest grain processor, to plan a move away from corn as the primary component in its ethanol production. Dan Grech reports.

Heating oil risks in hurricane season

Aug 6, 2008
The price of oil may change on the Energy Department's reserve report this morning. But Nancy Marshall Genzer explains how heating oil prices differ from gas and the potential purchasing risks in hurricane season.

Exploring an era of oil extremes

Aug 6, 2008
The price of crude has reached record per barrel highs just to make sudden startling drops. Stacey Vanek-Smith talks these market extremes with Raymond Learsy, who's written a book about oil and its trends.
An offshore oil platform
Marcel Mochet/AFP/Getty Images

Drawing lines in the Arctic snow

Aug 6, 2008
British scientists have unveiled a new Arctic map today with hopes of pointing out where some countries may be overstepping their claim to land. Janet Babin reports what's so valuable that they're fighting over.

Candidates shift positions on energy

Aug 5, 2008
John McCain and Barack Obama have spent the past week talking up their energy plans. But the toll on Americans' pocketbooks from the high costs of fuel have forced both candidates to change their stances on a number of policies. Steve Henn reports.

Lower demand helps in oil-price drop

Aug 5, 2008
A barrel of oil costs about 20% less today than three weeks ago. Host Kai Ryssdal talks with energy analyst Peter Beutel about why prices are falling, and if even lower prices could be ahead.

For public good, not for profit.

What's causing the oil slide?

Aug 5, 2008
Oil is at $118 a barrel and falling, and might keep falling. So, what's going on? Nancy Marshall Genzer reports increased output and lowered U.S. demand has helped lower cost, but there's more to it.

High heating oil prices loom over U.S.

Jul 31, 2008
With heating oil prices expected to top $5 a gallon this winter, consumers are worried about heating their homes and many fuel dealers are facing the threat of collapse. Jane Lindholm reports.

Firms struggle to extract oil from shale

Jul 31, 2008
The largest untapped oil source, enough to sustain U.S. demand for a century, may be right here at home in the Rocky Mountains. But first, we have to find a way to get it out. Janet Babin reports.