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Advertisters scared as internet giants look to cut cookies out of their diets

Nov 8, 2013
The online trackers used by advertising companies may be a thing of the past.

Blocking TV ads: The new Whack-a-Mole?

Aug 30, 2013
A wireless Internet-connected device that can block any TV ads -- will it change television?

YouTube ads are the new frontier for fraud

Aug 14, 2013
Advertising fraud now comes in video form.

A new plan to fight piracy online: Take away those ad dollars

Jul 17, 2013
Content providers -- like Disney or Fox -- are now asking companies delivering online ads -- the Googles of the world -- to stop working with websites that allow illegal file sharing.

Did targeted advertising fail Facebook advertisers?

May 29, 2013
Facebook apologizes for offensive content and advertisers have pulled out. How can advertisers really know where their ads are going?

The risks of making online ads

May 2, 2013
GM and Mountain Dew have pulled ads perceived to be racist. Were the ads the result of pressure to make a big viral splash, or of weak vetting for digital ads?

For public good, not for profit.

The trouble with mobile

Oct 22, 2012
More people than ever can go online from their phones and tablets, but advertising hasn't caught up.

Campaigns experiencing online ad space crunch

Aug 2, 2012
Demand for the 15- and 30-second spots that automatically play before online videos are sold out in some markets or being auctioned off at record prices in others.

Virus shines light on 'click fraud'

Jul 9, 2012
An estimated 45,000 people in the U.S. may have trouble getting online Monday because of a computer virus. Hackers replaced real ads with fake ones, a crime known as "click fraud."