The changing face of Cyber Monday

Nov 26, 2012
Before smartphones or super fast at home Internet, millions of Americans would return from their Thanksgiving weekends to high-speed Internet at work and get busy shopping.

Beginning a critical season for U.S. retail

Nov 21, 2012
It's no surprise that this time of year marks the beginning of an important period for the strength of retail in America. But is the outlook full of holiday cheer?

Stealthy Silk Road website flying high

Aug 28, 2012
The secretive online marketplace works just like eBay or Amazon. The only difference is that its merchandise is illegal, and all of its users are anonymous.

Colorado shooting suspect bought weapons online

Jul 23, 2012
The suspect in the Colorado theater massacre makes his first court appearance this morning. James Holmes isn't talking to police. But he left a behind a rich Internet trail. Authorities say it shows how easy it was for Holmes to buy lethal supplies.

Colorado shooting brings up questions of online weapon sales

Jul 23, 2012
All eyes are on Colorado right now in the wake of the tragic movie theater shooting. Among the many conversations the incident has sparked is a debate about the accessibility of weapons, including assault weapons like the guns used by alleged shooter James Holmes.
People hold hands as they pray during a memorial service outside the Aurora Municipal Center July 22, 2012 in Aurora, Colo. In the wake of the tragedy, many are questioning the accessibility of buying weapons online.
Joshua Lott/Getty Images

Retailers want online Memorial Day shoppers

May 28, 2012
You've heard of Cyber Monday in November. Well, retailers now want an online holiday for Memorial Day.