Fiscal cliff? WebMD hit by the patent cliff

Dec 11, 2012
Online health site WebMD plans to lay off 14 percent of its staff. Drug companies have curtailed ads because lucrative patents have expired.

Facebook's Photo Sync, Verizon's new patent, and the government's Death Star

Dec 5, 2012
Facebook would like to become that set of shoeboxes in the attic: A place to store all your photographs, even ones you have no intention of sharing with any of your friends. It's called Photo Sync, and Google-Plus already has something like this.

Xbox's Orwellian patent, and when social media politics gets old

Nov 8, 2012
A new patent for Xbox Kinect might be trying to watch you for copyright owners, and users are getting tired of politics on social media, even though they're still posting about it.

Apple-Samsung ruling resonates hard in South Korea

Aug 27, 2012
The court ruling that Samsung infringed on Apple patents has complicated fallout in South Korea, where Samsung's success has been very much a part of the national identity.

What the Apple-Samsung ruling means for you

Aug 26, 2012
Apple's win over Samsung could mean big changes for the smartphone and tablet markets.

Apple vs. Samsung: What the verdict will mean to you

Aug 21, 2012
The result of the battle over patents will be seen on your next phone.

For public good, not for profit.

Google Glass is on the way whether you like it or not

Jun 28, 2012
The device lets you take pictures or video, shows you information like from a smartphone -- but on glasses. Some may think it's disconcerting. Also, Apple blocks a Samsung tablet from being sold.

Patent wars boost patent lawyers

May 29, 2012
With tech companies in expensive battles over patents and copyrights, intellectual property lawyers are in the money.

Another day, another patent war

Apr 16, 2012
Oracle and Google face off in court today in a lawsuit over the use of Java. It’s another chapter in the Silicon Valley serial: Patent Wars.