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Hiring is hard. So is keeping the workers you have.

Feb 4, 2022
As companies try to hold on to the workers they have, pay and benefits are on the up and up. That may not be enough.
In a remote work environment, employees may have fewer social connections that may otherwise make them stick around.
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How hard is it to get cost-of-living raises during times of inflation?

Jun 16, 2021
Typically, unionized companies are the ones that directly tie cost-of-living increases to inflation. And union membership has been falling.
“In nonunionized companies, it's very unusual for there to be an explicit cost-of-living increase,” says Erica Groshen, a senior economics adviser at Cornell University. Above, two women negotiate in an office.
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With unemployment high, why can't companies find the workers they need?

Mar 17, 2021
There are many theories, including unemployment benefits being too high, a skills mismatch and low wages.
Businesses could attract more workers if they raised wages, one expert says. According to the National Federation Independent Business, that's starting to happen.
Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

During the pandemic, women are less likely to ask for raises and promotions

Mar 8, 2021
An Indeed survey found that mid-career women, especially, are overwhelmed with family responsibilities.
A new Indeed survey conducted in December finds that women, who were already more reluctant than men to push for higher pay and better jobs, are now even less likely to advocate for themselves.
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