Where to turn when there's nowhere to turn

Mar 17, 2016
There are limited options for many people when hit with an unexpected expense.
The LIFT program in Los Angeles has a pilot program to provide small emergency grants to members facing unexpected financial emergencies.
Kimberly Adams/Getty Images

Life without a financial safety net

Mar 17, 2016
"It feels like being on a treadmill behind which there is a bed of spikes."
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Breaking tradition in the credit scoring business

Feb 17, 2016
Banks dip their toes into a new market: people without traditional credit scores.
Banks dip their toes into a new market: people without traditional credit scores.
Simon Cunningham

Consumer bureau may go after payday loans

Jan 7, 2015
Reform could be coming to payday loan industry in the form of federal regulations.

Payday lender accused of dodging state laws

Aug 12, 2014
Manhattan's District Attorney says company made illegal loans via the web.

Should the post office sell personal loans?

Feb 11, 2014
Providing basic financial services could bolster the post office's income

Why military personnel fall prey to payday lenders

May 17, 2013
The government provides countless resources to help military families with financial literacy and even offers low interest loans to help them in times of emergency. So, why are many troops opting to take out risky payday loans instead?

For public good, not for profit.

How World Finance makes a killing lending on the installment (loan) plan

May 14, 2013
World Finance has outperformed the market and financial stocks through the recession. But is World’s high-interest small-dollar loan business sound and sustainable?