In February retail sales bump, wealth effect trumps payroll tax

Mar 13, 2013
Retail sales ticked up by 1.1 percent last month according to the Commerce Department. The growth was better than expected, despite higher gas prices and the payroll tax increase that went into effect at the beginning of the year.

Walmart discovers the payroll tax may bite

Feb 20, 2013
The nation's largest retailer may see slump in February sales figures.

Increase in payroll tax raises concerns for Cleveland small business owner

Jan 2, 2013
Steve Presser, proprietor of Big Fun toy store in Cleveland, says although the deal to avert the fiscal cliff eases uncertainty among consumers, the payroll tax increase raises a whole other list of issues.

'Cliff' deal ends payroll tax cut

Jan 2, 2013
The short-term stimulus plan had pumped billions into the economy.

Fiscal cliff deal raises payroll tax

Jan 2, 2013
The 2 percent payroll tax rise means that a person who earns $50,000 a year will pay $1,000 more in taxes.

Fiscal cliff aside, payroll tax holiday to end

Dec 28, 2012
For two years, paychecks have been a little fatter thanks to a payroll-tax cut. But did it stimulate the economy, and what happens when it goes away?

Congress finds funds in the airwaves

Feb 17, 2012
Parts of the broadcast spectrum will be auctioned off to help cover the costs of the payroll tax cut and extended long-term unemployment benefits. Even a sliver of spectrum could bring a big chunk of cash.

For public good, not for profit.

Extended payroll tax cut serves as 'stealth stimulus'

Feb 15, 2012
Congressional negotiators have agreed to a deal that would extend the payroll tax cut through the end of the year, which means more money will go into more people's pockets and perhaps, they will go out and spend it.

Payroll tax extension, Greek news won't make huge impact

Feb 15, 2012
News out of the U.S. and Europe today could mean more spending at home and more debt problems in Greece. But Josh Brown of Fusion Analytics says neither piece of news will make a huge difference in the markets.

Payroll tax cut, benefit extension a type of stimulus

Feb 15, 2012
A tentative deal has been reached to extend the payroll tax cut, as well as some unemployment benefits and Medicare payments. As the economy stays sluggish, we're in an era of seemingly endless government stimulus.