Can Pittsburgh keep its workers from being replaced by smart machines?

Apr 19, 2017
The city is becoming a giant proving ground for automation and artificial intelligence.
A passenger looks on as he rides in a pilot model of an Uber self-driving car in Pittsburgh.

Beacons help Waze users navigate Pittsburgh's tricky tunnel exits

Apr 17, 2017
The $30 gadgets are meant to solve 'tunnel blindness' and prevent accidents.
The Waze app indicates a tunnel is on the route and prompts you to use Bluetooth so the app continues working.  
Erika Beras

The most robot-proof job of them all

Apr 10, 2017
Robotics work is a good bet, if you can get it.
Anca Dragan researches the interaction between humans and robots at UC Berkeley.
David Brancaccio/Marketplace

As tech workers stay in Pittsburgh, neighborhoods watch prices climb

Mar 29, 2017
'Black homes matter' for one person who's seen some residents move to cheaper areas.
After Google moved into this Pittsburgh office, luxury apartment building started going up, making the area unaffordable for some who had lived there for years.
Erika Beras

Pittsburgh Mayor Bill Peduto on Steel City as innovation hub

Oct 31, 2016
Uber chose Pittsburgh as the place to test its autonomous vehicles. How will it affect the city and its citizens?
An Uber driverless Ford Fusion drives down Smallman Street on September, 22, 2016 in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Jeff Swensen/Getty Images

Technology that may help potholes get fixed faster

Aug 17, 2015
Cameras and computers can increase the pace of street inspections and repairs.

For public good, not for profit.

Why the middleweight cities matter

Apr 20, 2012
Forget those mega-cities like Los Angeles and New York -- a new study shows the economic dynamism of middleweight cities like Pittsburgh and the Twin Cities.

Fargo, Pittsburgh make "Best Retirement Places" list

Mar 25, 2011
When considering places to retire to, one usually thinks of warmer climates -- like Florida and Arizona. Not Nebraska and North Dakota. But ac...