The cost of being a DACA recipient

Oct 13, 2017
It's $495, to be exact. Where does the money go?
People rally in support of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program near Trump Tower in New York on Oct. 5.

Trump delivers another blow to Obamacare

Oct 13, 2017
And this one lands directly on the insurance industry, for now. The president cut payments to insurers that go toward subsidies for low-income people who buy policies on the health care exchanges. Those so-called cost-sharing reductions were worth billions to the insurance industry. So what will it do now? 

Chicago’s short-lived soda tax faced relentless opposition

Oct 11, 2017
Cook County, Illinois, home to Chicago, passed a penny-per-ounce tax on soda late last year. The driving force was raising revenue in a state with deep budget woes. But legal challenges delayed the tax going into effect, and a strong campaign from the beverage industry has soured public opinion on the measure. It was repealed […]

If things are booming, does the economy need tax cuts?

Oct 11, 2017
In a tweet today, President Trump today took credit for the run-up in the stock market since the election. Then the president went on to say that “if Congress gives us the massive tax cuts (and reform) I am asking for, those numbers will grow by leaps and bounds.” Is there any evidence that the […]

"Schrodinger's declaration of independence" in Spain

Oct 11, 2017
Spanish businesses are confused after the latest developments in Catalonia.
Catalan regional government president Carles Puigdemont signs a document about the independence of Catalonia at the Catalan regional parliament in Barcelona on October 10, 2017. Catalonia's leader Carles Puigdemont said Tuesday he accepted the "mandate of the people" for the region to become "an independent republic," but proposed suspending its immediate implementation to allow for dialogue.

Trump enters NAFTA round threatening withdraw

Oct 11, 2017
The fourth round of NAFTA negotiation talks begin today in Arlington, Virginia. President Trump reiterated threats to pull out of the deal in an interview with Forbes Magazine published Tuesday just as Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was on his way to D.C. to meet with him. Meanwhile, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce warned Trump against […]

Trump's NAFTA negotiations see opposition from the business sector

Oct 10, 2017
In the midst of NAFTA negotiations, a schism has grown between President Trump and the business sector. Tom Donohue, the president of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce — the pro-business U.S. Chamber of Commerce — called the Trump administration’s negotiating tactics on the trade deal an existential threat to it. Donohue’s comments come as negotiations to […]

For public good, not for profit.

If there has been a war on coal, Obama’s Clean Power Plan was never the main front

Oct 10, 2017
The Environmental Protection Agency has started the process to repeal the Clean Power Plan, an Obama-era measure to reduce emissions from power plants. In his announcement, Scott Pruitt characterized the repeal as an end to a “war on coal.” But in the real world of energy markets, not a whole lot is expected to change. […]

Cost of military transgender care in the spotlight

Oct 10, 2017
The future of transgender members of the military remains unclear after President Donald Trump signed a memo barring transgender recruits from serving in the military. The Department of Defense is now reviewing the issue.
39-year-old transgender veteran Ashley Register stands outside her Dover, Delaware home.

Megan Pauly/ Delaware Public Media

Is the Trump administration aiming for a “synthetic repeal” of Obamcare?

Oct 9, 2017
For the time being at least, Congress is not going to repeal Obamacare. But President Trump knows there’s a lot he can do on his own. There are reports that he’s going to issue an executive order this week, making it easier for insurers to sidestep ACA regulations and sell more bare bones, cheaper plans […]