Coal and nuclear power stand to gain from new Department of Energy moves

Oct 2, 2017
The Trump administration is asking for new regulations in the name of grid reliability. Specifically, it wants to support coal and nuclear power to make sure the U.S. always has a  supply on-hand for possible times of need. But skeptics wonder if this is all a back-door bailout for power plants that simply can’t compete […]

Are we about to see a showdown between Congress and the Fed?

Oct 2, 2017
The Federal Reserve Bank’s message for a while now has been, broadly speaking, “the economy’s doing pretty well.” The central bank has also said it’s time to phase out the extraordinary support that it put in place during the financial crisis, like ultra-low interest rates. As the unemployment rate has dropped, there are real worries […]

Trump’s tax plan: Who gets the money?

Sep 29, 2017
A look at what the proposal will mean for the economy.
President Donald Trump delivers remarks on tax reform to the National Association of Manufacturers at the Mandarin Oriental Hotel today in Washington, D.C.
Shawn Thew-Pool/Getty Images

There’s a lobbyist behind every Washington, D.C., corner

Sep 29, 2017
The only issue that could possibly affect more Americans than health care is taxes. And as you might expect, lobbyists and trade organizations of all stripes and sizes have something to say about the new GOP tax framework. Capitol Hill is about to become a hornet’s nest of lobbying activity, as multiple parties seek their […]

Elaine Chao, champion of Trump's infrastructure plan, chose to keep stock in a building company

Sep 29, 2017
After she was confirmed, the transportation secretary resigned from the board of Vulcan Materials but held on to deferred stock awards worth $300,000, an amount that could grow if Chao helps push an infrastructure bill through Congress.
Transportation Secretary Elaine Chao testifies at her confirmation hearing in January 2017.
Zach Gibson | AP

The big reason Catalonia wants to secede may be economic: it's one of the richest regions in Spain

Sep 29, 2017
With a GDP of 266 billion euros, economists say Catalonia could be economically viable without Spain if it secedes in its Oct. independence referendum.
Merchandise stands have popped up all over Barcelona, selling everything from T-shirts to banners that say "Sí" for a "Yes" vote. The region is preparing for an independence referendum on Oct. 1 to secede from Spain, a move that the central government has declared illegal. 
Lucia Benavides/ for Marketplace

It may be touted as a tax plan for the middle class, but there are a whole lot of benefits for the rich, too

Sep 28, 2017
President Trump and his team have repeatedly said over the last few weeks that their tax bill won’t include tax cuts for the wealthy. It’s a promise the president repeated yesterday and that his economic adviser, Gary Cohn, echoed this morning on “Good Morning America.” But how true is that claim? Click the audio player […]

For public good, not for profit.

Tax reform and the uptick in lobbying efforts

Sep 28, 2017
The first major tax code rewrite since 1986 is set to bring on a lobbying frenzy. Every element of the tax code has a constituency, and behind that constituency, a solid lobbying effort. It’s been called the “hunger games” for lobbyists. We look at what’s at stake for them.  Click the audio player above to […]

Tax cut for the rich or payday for the middle class? The battle to win the messaging war

Sep 27, 2017
Republicans, Democrats and lobbyists are choosing words carefully to sell their positions.
Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer speaks to the press about tax reform in Washington, D.C., in August.

Why increasing the standard deduction is a big change now, and maybe later

Sep 27, 2017
A key component of the Republican tax plan is doubling the standard deduction for individuals. The standard deduction reduces the amount of income on which you pay taxes, so doubling it means folks who typically take the standard deduction could have lower taxable income. And it also could lead more people to take the standard […]